Friday, June 27, 2014

3 Day Refresh

The Newly released "3 Day Refresh"
I've always loved the idea of doing a total cleanse but to be honest I have never actually done one. I have made it 1 day into a "juice cleanse", before I became so hungry for solid food  that I couldn't take it anymore and binge ate everything in site. There were a couple other "cleanses" that I tried but could never get past the fact that they were all liquid. I mean really?? No solid food for days?  How can that be good for you?  Apparently my body agreed with me because I always ended up eating everything in site late the first night of each of the cleanses. Don't get me wrong, I have a juicer and love it.....but I am just not the "all juice cleanse" type of girl.
Anyway, that's why I was so excited when I heard about this new "3 day refresh" from Beachbody. There is food included!!! Finally! Someone must have secretly been listening to me!  I figured that since I had just completed my first round of the 21 Day Fix and was getting ready to start PiYo that there was no better time than to clean out my system! So I ordered the "3 day refresh" today and cant wait to see how it goes!

What does this "3 Day Refresh" do for you??
-Gets rid of that "bloating" feeling
-Reignites your energy & health
-Curbs you cravings
-Rids your system of toxins
What's Included in the Kit??
-3 Packets of Shakeology (Your choice of flavor)
-6 Packets of Vanilla Fresh (High Protein Shake)
-3 Packet of Fiber Sweep (digestive health drink)
-Program guide
***Also available without shakeology if you already have some at home
I'm super excited to try this (while actually eating) and see the results! I am hoping that I can cut out my caffeine addiction with this cleanse! If you'd like to join me feel free  to contact me as always!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

21 Day Fix Results

21 Day Fix Results

Let me start by saying... I know how hard it is to stick with a healthy eating plan and workout schedule. I had tried countless times to make it through just the first 7 days of this program but I would fail each time. I actually bought it when it first came out in Feb 2014. I was pumped! I thought my eating would just fall into place, I would keep up with the workouts and voila! I would be skinnier and healthier! Boy was I wrong! When I had a slip up or missed a workout I would just stop and say "I'll start again next Monday". What I didn't realize at the time was that I needed to change my entire mindset. I needed to prepare to actually change my old habits into healthy new ones. So what did I do?

I Stated my weight loss goals out loud

For me, I talked with my mother and one of my best friends. I told them my intentions, how much I was going to lose and how I was going to do it. This made it more real for me. Now people knew what I was doing and I felt like I needed to stay accountable.

I wrote out my meal plan
Now, I have done this before but this time I posted my meal plan right smack dab in the middle of the wall in my kitchen. I put pens close to it so I could cross off the foods as I ate them. It worked! Before I would open the fridge I would always check and see what I would be getting. That way I knew what I was going in there for, instead of looking around and making my mind wander.

Got involved with a network of like-minded friends

This is where online monthly challenge groups come into play. They provide support, meal planning, tips, how to deal with emotional eating, cravings, eating out, motivation and so much more! All while being involved in a private Facebook group online. We hold each other accountable and lift each other up when tough days come (they are bound to happen).  We create lasting friendship with people who are all working towards the same goals.

I realized that I NEEDED to do this for me! No more excuses! So I can become healthy for my family and teach them to also live healthy. To have energy to run around with my kids and live the best life I can. The way God intended it to be. I give all the credit to Him. I have been strengthening my relationship with God for the past few months and it has changed my life & He has given me strength!

I have learned that even if I have a slip up...the most important thing is to KEEP MOVING FORWARD & NEVER GIVE UP. I am certain that I will sometimes have bad days, struggles, and times that I want to give up... But I wont let those things stop me anymore! I CAN do this & You CAN do this too! You just need to focus like I did and figure out your "why". I am super excited with my 10.4lb weight loss in the past 3 weeks with the 21dayfix & can't wait to start my next challenge group in July! We will be doing the new workout program PIYO!!!!  Its a low impact, upbeat version of Pilates and Yoga. I'm very excited about it!! If you can relate to any of this... Or are looking for a positive change in your life... Feel free to message me.. I would love to chat! We can and WILL do this together!!

What are you waiting for? Now is the time! There is no better time to start than the present. A year from now you will be so glad you started today!! So contact me at and lets get started!!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Be The First To Get The New Program PIYO!

You may have heard about this new program called PiYo. This is Chalene Johnson's (Creator of Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire & Chalean Extreme) newest program that will be released today!!! When I first heard about this new workout, I though the name sounded a little funny, until I broke it down.....
 Pi (Pilates) + Yo (Yoga) = PiYo....then it made sense to me!  This program will use YOUR body to make your body stronger! I have always loved cardio but recently have been mixing it up by adding weight lifting into my routine. I love it! I feel stronger by the day. So, I'm super pumped that this program is going to increase my flexibility. When I was younger I was super flexible (weren't we all) but that has decreased with age, so I cannot wait to see where this takes me (and hopefully you)!
So what is PiYo???
 PiYo focuses on building strength, endurance and flexibility by mixing yoga and pilates together. The whole program is low-impact and requires nothing but YOU! No weights or bands, it uses your own body weight to sculpt you into something amazing! No jumping, just burning tons of calories! If you have ever done pilates or yoga before, be prepared that you WILL sweat and you will see results!
Who is this workout program good for??
If you are aiming to increase you flexibility and strength this program will be perfect! There is a modifier on screen to follow at all times, so your current fitness level does not matter. Anyone can start with this! Which is great because I am not the greatest at either pilates or yoga! I will be starting a Beta Test Group for PiYo on July 7th. We will work day by day together, encourage one another and hold each other accountable. If this sounds like something you would be interested in learning more about.. shoot me a message or find me on Facebook!

What PiYo Workouts Are Included?

Align (46 mins): The Fundamentals
Upper Body (35 mins): this focused workout will strengthen and stretch your entire body, while building on the movement patterns you have learned in Align.
Define: Lower Body (25 mins) will shape and tone everything from your glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves gently, yet effectively to help you get sleek and lean legs.
Sweat (35 mins) is a traditional PiYo workout that is fast paced with body weight strength training and ab work!
Core (30 mins) an ab-centric workout that targets every angle of the abdominals and back. I’ve read this will be a calorie-torcher too!
Drench (45 mins) is a total body workout to get you sweaty, burning calories, and going to have your metabolism on fire!
Strength Intervals (25 mins) designed to tone the whole body and burn tons of calories with no weights required!
Sculpt (30 mins) no weights are required for this intense, full-body workout either!
You’ll receive 9 workouts total plus you will be able to get them 2 weeks earlier (If ordered through a coach) than they will be released to the public! I'm pumped to start this Beta Test Challenge Group! I have a feeling that this is going to be epic! What are you waiting for? There is NO better time to invest in yourself and your health than RIGHT NOW!!! So contact me and lets get started!!!!

Measuring Progress In Your Weight Loss Journey

How do you measure your own progress throughout your journey without a scale???

First thing I will tell you is to take BEFORE pictures! Just do it! It can be very intimidating and embarrassing (at least it was for me), but I can assure you that you will be so glad that you took them.  I bet you that in as little as 3 weeks you will be able to see a noticeable difference just by comparing the two photos. Honestly, you never have to look at that picture again, but just make sure you take them! Shove them in your drawer, leave them in the bottom of your purse, just stash them away...The day will most likely come where maybe...just maybe when your confidence is soaring and you are feeling brave, you are going to want to compare where you are now with where you had started.  Plus!! It helps that you have a chance at winning $500 just by submitting your before/after photo to Beachbody after completing one of their workout programs. Sweet! Right?!?

Another good way to measure progress is to be sure to do your measurements!! I don't really like doing this myself, but I do! I know that it will show how far I have come, so I suck it up and just get it over with! I find it fascinating when the number on the scale does not move, but my measurements get smaller. Just another exciting way of tracking how far we have come!

How do you feel?? Do you feel stronger, more alert, more active, less moody, craving unhealthy foods less, do your skin look better, are you sleeping more soundly, are you using heavier weights, do you feel stronger ??? This list could go on and on! Since everyone is an individual, only you can look back and see what has really changed in your journey. This is why it is SO important  to reflect every once in awhile on how far you actually have come!

I hope you realize now that there are many other ways to track progress other than pounds on a scale. My next challenge/fitness group will be starting at the end of June and there is only a few spots left! contact me now to chat about starting  your very own journey with support, motivation & fun!!! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting Back in the Game

Getting Back in the Game
After the release of the "21 Day Fix" program, I came to a standstill. I let my emotions take over and determine what I ate, when I worked how and how I felt. If you are anything like me, you may have felt this way before. Discouraged, upset and distracted. For some reason I just could NOT get into the groove of things. I would do a couple workouts and then just stop. Then I would start eating whatever I felt like...which lead to me just feeling worse. I knew I had to do something, but what? I knew what I was supposed to be doing, so why couldn't I just do it? Things were going well in my life. Work was good, family was what was different??..then it hit me. My thought process was kind of on the negative side. Thinking things like "At least this program is 21 days" or "When this is over, I'm going to eat whatever I want". I definitely want to make this whole experience a positive LIFESTYLE change, not "just for now" change.

Anyway, I had to think of something to do, something that would change my thoughts, my outlook on life, and have a positive impact. So I turned to God. I've always had a relationship with God for as long as I could remember, but I knew  I needed to devote more time to Him, really talk to Him and start building a closer relationship with Him.  I ordered "The purpose Driven Life" book off of amazon and anxiously awaited its arrival. All I can say is WOW this book is awesome. It helped to rekindle my relationship with Jesus and see everything in a totally different way. I now look at situations and think "Would the Lord be proud of me for doing this, acting this way, thinking this". For me, this is a much happier way to live. I feel more alive when I'm with my family and excited to wake up in the mornings and see what the day shall bring!
So this was my "ah-ha" moment.  LIFE IS A GIFT. We must treat it that way. I plan to take advantage of every moment that God has planned for me. I have struggled with food addiction for so long that I know that I cannot do it alone. I pray about it every morning. I am on day 14 of the 21 day fix and couldn't be happier with my results! So far I have lost 8 lbs and cannot wait to share with you next week what the end results are! I feel more energized, my skin has cleared up, I can stay outside in the heat playing with the kids without feeling sick, I feel full & satisfied after eating & most importantly I feel GOOD about myself for the first time in a long time!!
I know what its like to mess up on a "diet", to start and then give up, to think you could never do that, to not feel good about yourself. But, you don't have to feel that way. Not anymore! I want you to come join my team! To work with me one-on-one and have unlimited support. We can do this together! We can end this trend and work towards a healthy, happier brand new you!! I would love to hear from you with comments, questions, suggestions, anything!! Contact me anytime! I would looove to chat! Or find me on facebook!!!