
Adding shakeology to my diet has made a huge difference in my everyday life. I now drink a shake every morning when I first wake up. No guessing what I will have to make for breakfast, just mix and go! But let me start at the beginning. I have tried other meal replacement shakes in the past, but they never really amounted to anything.  Some tasted like chalk, others I'm pretty sure made me even hungrier. So, I saw my friend posting on facebook about this meal replacement shake called "shakeology". Right off the bat, the name caught my attention. I though to myself... what an unusual name.

 So I kept watching her and seeing her post about these amazing benefits. I had to know for myself. So I messaged her and we met up and I bought 5 sample packs. I was pumped! I ran home, mixed it with 1 c skim milk, 1/2 a banana & 1 tbs of PB...and tasted it.  I was shocked! It was smooth, creamy, and tasted like a PB banana milkshake! This was awesome! I wanted to keep drinking it for a few days to see if the true benefits existed. At that time, I had just graduated Nursing school and was working 12 hour shifts. I was tired alot and never wanted to get up early and be at work by 7am. Honestly, by the 4th day of replacing shakeology with my breakfast, I had no problem getting out of bed. I would hear my alarm and immediately get up and be ready to start the day. Not to mention my diestive system was being cleaned out, I could feel my energy levels slowly increasing, and my skin was starting to look smoother. I was hooked! 

Check out this short video to see what 100 Doctors are saying about Shakeology.

What is Shakeology??

It is your daily dose of dense nutrition. Its a healthy meal replacement shake that has 70+ natural ingredients that help boost energy, fill fruit & veggie gaps and lose/maintain weight.

What's In Shakeology??

All of the nutrients are packed into 1 serving of Shakeology. Amazing huh?!? 

Protein- from whey, that gives you 8 essential amino acids (which help you to build muscle, lose weight, support the function of your brain, and help you skin and bones stay healthy)

Vitamins & Minerals- to support your overall health

Antioxidants- that helps to prevent/delay cell damage that can lead to heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attacks

Phytonutrients-"health boosters" that slow down the aging process and help prevent some illnesses such as cancer, high blood pressure and other chronic diseases

Prebiotics-help support your digestive health

Digestive Enzymes-aids in the digestion of food and increases the absorption rate for optimum health

Why Shakeology & What can Shakeology do for YOU???

Its perfect if you....

-are a Mom or Dad on the go
-need to lower your blood pressure or cholesterol 
-feel tired alot, but want an ALL natural  pick me up
-don't like to eat your veggies on a consistent basis
-workout alot and need a quick meal
 -want a delicious & nutritious meal replacement 
-want clearer skin 
-want to shed some pounds
-plus so much more!

PLUS... when you break it down, shakeology is not that expensive. At about $4 a serving, it can actually save you money. How many times have you stopped for a coffee and bagel sandwich on the way to work just because you didn't have the time in the morning. I know I am guilty of that!! That's anywhere between $4-$8 just on breakfast alone! And I'm sure that wont keep you as satisfied as long as shakeology will! Remember, we are what we eat. Eat crappy, feel crappy. Eat well...feel well!!!

Ways to try Shakeology:

1.Message me for sample packs at $5 each of chocolate shakeology.

2.Purchase a weeks worth of samples for $35 to jump start your weight loss/ start to feel the amazing benefits!

3. Purchase a Shakeology cleanse to break through a plateau for $55

4.Sign up for shakeology HD (home direct) which will send you the shakes every month and only $2 for shipping! You can cancel at any time with no questions asked. There is a bottom-of-the-bag guarantee, so if for any reason you decide you did not like it, you will get a full refund as long as you return the empty bag.

5.You can make a one time purchase of a 30 day supply in a bag or 24 single serving packets of the following Shakeology flavors-
 strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, combo packets (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry), combo packets (chocolate and vanilla), greenberry, tropical strawberry vegan, chocolate vegan, combo packets (chocolate and greenberry), combo packets (chocolate vegan and tropical strawberry vegan)

Check out my shakeology website or contact me for any additional information!

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