About Me

I am a 26 year old mom of 2. I have a 9 year old step daughter, Crystal and a 16 month old little boy, Domenick. I work full time as an RN, but my passion is learning about health & fitness.
 I have struggled with weight issues my entire life. Going from one fad diet to the next with temporary results, but never anything that stuck. The best gift in life I was ever given was my son. He is the reason I want to make myself better. I want to teach him how to grow up and live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Plus, I want to be around for as long as possible for my kids.

 I was a totally different person a few months ago.After giving birth to my son, my weight plateaued at about 236lbs. I had NEVER been that big in my life! I was depressed, had no energy and stuffed my face with whatever I could find. Never wanted to go out anywhere because honestly, my clothes were tight and i felt uncomfortable in my own skin.    

Current progress
Today, I still am overweight, but losing the pounds fast! I'm active, happy and think carefully about what I put into my body. A friend asked me to join a Facebook "challenge" group back in March. It consisted drinking Shakeology, doing a fitness program from Beachbody, and participating in a closed facebook group. 
Now I thought that was cool. Where else could I get motivation and support while trying to lose weight! Plus no one had to see me! I could do it at home and look crazy but it didn't matter because I was the only one there! So I joined! I'm going to be honest. I kind of "watched" for the first few groups I was in. Didn't post everyday a what workout I did, how I felt or what I ate. As I think back now that's probably because I wasn't doing what I said I would. I wasn't working out consistently or making healthy food choices.  But after awhile of watching everyone and seeing how great everyone's results were, I decided it was time to make a change! So far I have lost 20lbs and I'm just getting started. I have so much more energy (I run around with my kids so much more now!)!!

I cant wait to see where this journey takes me and I would love for some company of others looking to become healthy along the way!! Contact me anytime if you would like to join me or even if you just want to chat!! at savko.christine@gmail.com.

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