Wednesday, June 25, 2014

21 Day Fix Results

21 Day Fix Results

Let me start by saying... I know how hard it is to stick with a healthy eating plan and workout schedule. I had tried countless times to make it through just the first 7 days of this program but I would fail each time. I actually bought it when it first came out in Feb 2014. I was pumped! I thought my eating would just fall into place, I would keep up with the workouts and voila! I would be skinnier and healthier! Boy was I wrong! When I had a slip up or missed a workout I would just stop and say "I'll start again next Monday". What I didn't realize at the time was that I needed to change my entire mindset. I needed to prepare to actually change my old habits into healthy new ones. So what did I do?

I Stated my weight loss goals out loud

For me, I talked with my mother and one of my best friends. I told them my intentions, how much I was going to lose and how I was going to do it. This made it more real for me. Now people knew what I was doing and I felt like I needed to stay accountable.

I wrote out my meal plan
Now, I have done this before but this time I posted my meal plan right smack dab in the middle of the wall in my kitchen. I put pens close to it so I could cross off the foods as I ate them. It worked! Before I would open the fridge I would always check and see what I would be getting. That way I knew what I was going in there for, instead of looking around and making my mind wander.

Got involved with a network of like-minded friends

This is where online monthly challenge groups come into play. They provide support, meal planning, tips, how to deal with emotional eating, cravings, eating out, motivation and so much more! All while being involved in a private Facebook group online. We hold each other accountable and lift each other up when tough days come (they are bound to happen).  We create lasting friendship with people who are all working towards the same goals.

I realized that I NEEDED to do this for me! No more excuses! So I can become healthy for my family and teach them to also live healthy. To have energy to run around with my kids and live the best life I can. The way God intended it to be. I give all the credit to Him. I have been strengthening my relationship with God for the past few months and it has changed my life & He has given me strength!

I have learned that even if I have a slip up...the most important thing is to KEEP MOVING FORWARD & NEVER GIVE UP. I am certain that I will sometimes have bad days, struggles, and times that I want to give up... But I wont let those things stop me anymore! I CAN do this & You CAN do this too! You just need to focus like I did and figure out your "why". I am super excited with my 10.4lb weight loss in the past 3 weeks with the 21dayfix & can't wait to start my next challenge group in July! We will be doing the new workout program PIYO!!!!  Its a low impact, upbeat version of Pilates and Yoga. I'm very excited about it!! If you can relate to any of this... Or are looking for a positive change in your life... Feel free to message me.. I would love to chat! We can and WILL do this together!!

What are you waiting for? Now is the time! There is no better time to start than the present. A year from now you will be so glad you started today!! So contact me at and lets get started!!!!

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