Friday, June 27, 2014

3 Day Refresh

The Newly released "3 Day Refresh"
I've always loved the idea of doing a total cleanse but to be honest I have never actually done one. I have made it 1 day into a "juice cleanse", before I became so hungry for solid food  that I couldn't take it anymore and binge ate everything in site. There were a couple other "cleanses" that I tried but could never get past the fact that they were all liquid. I mean really?? No solid food for days?  How can that be good for you?  Apparently my body agreed with me because I always ended up eating everything in site late the first night of each of the cleanses. Don't get me wrong, I have a juicer and love it.....but I am just not the "all juice cleanse" type of girl.
Anyway, that's why I was so excited when I heard about this new "3 day refresh" from Beachbody. There is food included!!! Finally! Someone must have secretly been listening to me!  I figured that since I had just completed my first round of the 21 Day Fix and was getting ready to start PiYo that there was no better time than to clean out my system! So I ordered the "3 day refresh" today and cant wait to see how it goes!

What does this "3 Day Refresh" do for you??
-Gets rid of that "bloating" feeling
-Reignites your energy & health
-Curbs you cravings
-Rids your system of toxins
What's Included in the Kit??
-3 Packets of Shakeology (Your choice of flavor)
-6 Packets of Vanilla Fresh (High Protein Shake)
-3 Packet of Fiber Sweep (digestive health drink)
-Program guide
***Also available without shakeology if you already have some at home
I'm super excited to try this (while actually eating) and see the results! I am hoping that I can cut out my caffeine addiction with this cleanse! If you'd like to join me feel free  to contact me as always!!

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