Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Meal Planning is hard to do!

So this week I have been trying to focus on meal planning. I love to make meal plans but I have a hard time actually following through with them. I never seem to have enough of the foods I had on the list by the weeks end. Plus I can never find where I left the actual paper. So what was the problem? It should be simple right? Just write down the food on the list, buy it and follow it.. Well I was doing one thing majorly wrong!!

 I never took into account that it was not just me eating but my entire family. Seems so simple yet it had held me back from following it for quite someI needed to figure out how to fix this. I had my husband & step daughter sit down with me and we wrote out a meal plan together. It was awesome! We all did our own things for lunches, agreed on snacks for each day and brainstormed healthy dinner ideas. Dinner was a big downfcall for us. Let me put it this way.... We are the family who used to cook everything is grease (and usually breaded it too). So to help us with this new healthier lifestyle, we would specify on the meal plan "baked" or "grilled". That made it a lot easier. I think in part because it was right there in front of us written down and we didn't have to think of things to eat on the spot. I mean seriously.... When you're hungry, you tend to think of the most delicious, fatty, greasy foods you can think of because you don't have a plan. You're just flying by the seat of your pants. This way we did have a plan and we had food (enough finally haha) to make it! Oh and as for keeping the meal plan visible... We got a ginormous dry erase calendar an posted it up on the wall. Problem solved!

Now the meal plan is ready for this upcoming Friday (I know a lot of people do theirs on Mondays but Friday is payday and it works out better for us that way) and all I have to do this weekend is go shopping and prep the food. Excited to see how it works out!

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