Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting Back in the Game

Getting Back in the Game
After the release of the "21 Day Fix" program, I came to a standstill. I let my emotions take over and determine what I ate, when I worked how and how I felt. If you are anything like me, you may have felt this way before. Discouraged, upset and distracted. For some reason I just could NOT get into the groove of things. I would do a couple workouts and then just stop. Then I would start eating whatever I felt like...which lead to me just feeling worse. I knew I had to do something, but what? I knew what I was supposed to be doing, so why couldn't I just do it? Things were going well in my life. Work was good, family was good..so what was different??..then it hit me. My thought process was kind of on the negative side. Thinking things like "At least this program is 21 days" or "When this is over, I'm going to eat whatever I want". I definitely want to make this whole experience a positive LIFESTYLE change, not "just for now" change.

Anyway, I had to think of something to do, something that would change my thoughts, my outlook on life, and have a positive impact. So I turned to God. I've always had a relationship with God for as long as I could remember, but I knew  I needed to devote more time to Him, really talk to Him and start building a closer relationship with Him.  I ordered "The purpose Driven Life" book off of amazon and anxiously awaited its arrival. All I can say is WOW this book is awesome. It helped to rekindle my relationship with Jesus and see everything in a totally different way. I now look at situations and think "Would the Lord be proud of me for doing this, acting this way, thinking this". For me, this is a much happier way to live. I feel more alive when I'm with my family and excited to wake up in the mornings and see what the day shall bring!
So this was my "ah-ha" moment.  LIFE IS A GIFT. We must treat it that way. I plan to take advantage of every moment that God has planned for me. I have struggled with food addiction for so long that I know that I cannot do it alone. I pray about it every morning. I am on day 14 of the 21 day fix and couldn't be happier with my results! So far I have lost 8 lbs and cannot wait to share with you next week what the end results are! I feel more energized, my skin has cleared up, I can stay outside in the heat playing with the kids without feeling sick, I feel full & satisfied after eating & most importantly I feel GOOD about myself for the first time in a long time!!
I know what its like to mess up on a "diet", to start and then give up, to think you could never do that, to not feel good about yourself. But, you don't have to feel that way. Not anymore! I want you to come join my team! To work with me one-on-one and have unlimited support. We can do this together! We can end this trend and work towards a healthy, happier brand new you!! I would love to hear from you with comments, questions, suggestions, anything!! Contact me anytime! I would looove to chat! Or find me on facebook!!!

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