Monday, January 11, 2016

"Everything that's about to go bad in the fridge" Crockpot Soup

You know when you have all those random foods left in the fridge? And hate to throw them out, but there is really no use for them because they're about to go bad...? Well, I decided that every time I say that to myself.. That I'm going to make a good ole hearty crockpot soup with those ingredients! I've done this once before a few months ago and it turned out awesome! Plus, it definitely beats throwing all that food away.. I mean seriously.. That's a lot of money you'd be throwing out in the trash! 

So today, I had that thought in my mind, and decided to make something yummy instead of wasting it all!  I put some chicken broth (that I had in the cupboard) in the crockpot and just started chopping up all the food that had been in the fridge for awhile (the kind that is still edible... Just to that point where it starts to get a little soft). 

We have some chicken pieces, summer squash, yellow & orange peppers, celery, onion & carrots in this one! 

Did I mention that this is a HEALTHY soup?? It's made of mainly vegetables & a little broth!! (I threw in tiny bit of leftover chicken).  It's no secret that I struggle with my vegetable intake. So I've found that this is a great way to sneaks loads of  veggies into my family's meals for the week! Plus, the best part is that you can freeze the leftovers in portioned out containers & have it for lunch throughout the week! 

Have any great recipes you love??? I'd love to hear them!! Email anytime @ or find me on Facebook @ 

Thursday, August 27, 2015


This past Monday I started the new program Cize. It's a program where you learn choreographed dance to popular songs. Now, I'm no dancer (I actually have zero moves!) but believe me when I tell you... It is so much fun!!! Plus, you get to do it in your own home where no one else can see you! It goes slow enough where you can really get the moves down.  So far I'm loving it!! 

So for the next 4 weeks, I'll be following the layed out workout schedule, drinking my Shakeology & eating clean (by using the 21 day fix portion control meal plan).  

I took my "goodbye" pictures & weight and am ready to go! 

If you'd like to join me in this journey, I'd absolutely love to have you & talk more about it! Email me at or message me on Facebook at ! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Turkey Muffins

This is a simple, delicious and fast meal!y husband loved them and requested we make them more often! It's easy to make ahead of time and throw in the freezer for quick lunches throughout the week as well. Hope you enjoy!!

2lb frozen turkey meat
1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 cup cooking oats
1tsp garlic
Sprinkle of salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 375. Mix all ingredients together, grease muffin pan with Pam, form meat into 12 (racquet ball) sized balls. Bake for 40 mins & enjoy! I served it with diced red potatoes and broccoli!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Eating well really does make a difference

So, today is day #2 of getting back into working out. It feels great to be back on track & I'm already starting to see and feel the effects/benefits of it. Since finding out that we were pregnant my energy has been low and I have had terrible nausea. Luckily, it seems to be getting better each day! I've eaten clean for the last few days and started working out yesterday. Honestly, it feels so awesome! I woke up this morning with so much energy and I couldn't wait to start the day! I started to forget that feeling. The feeling of having energy, pride for sticking to my meal plan, a clear mind, less bloating, and overall happiness. Its easy to let that feeling slip away slowly....but I can say this....there's no greater feeling!

When I was younger I would workout for hours a day and eat terrible. I would only maintain my weight and I sure never built any muscle. Anyway, since then I have realized that eating right is 80% of real weight loss. Creating a lifestyle you canfollow forever is what really matters! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Goal setting was never my forte!

Have you ever set a goal... Lets say to lose 10 lbs.... Then once you achieve that goal... Then what happens??! The old me used to just fall back into the same old routine. Gain the weight back, get depressed about gaining the weight back, then have to start all over again. It became a cycle of setting the same goal over and over again and never moving forward! Basically I was getting no where fast. 

 So what's the solution?? Set BIG goals! Making a goal that is too simple/small can hold you back. Make your goals HUGE and even if you fail... You'll be on the right track! Break a larger goal down into smaller goals! It's easy to say "I will lose 12 lbs". But if you break it up and instead say "I will lose 2 lbs every week for the next 6 weeks", it becomes much more manageable! Then when you hit your goal of losing 2 lbs the first week... you will repeat that the following weeks and before you know it you will have achieved your goal!

 I almost forgot! Don't forget to celebrate! What? Over 2lbs a week?? Heck YES!!!!! Every small accomplishment deserves to be recognized! Be proud of what your doing and how far you have come! 


My next challenge group is starting soon! We will set big goals and crush them together! We will commit to doing a workout program for 30 days and replace one meal a day with Shakeology. I will help you customize a meal plan that fits your needs. Accountability is key! We will do this together! Email me at or find me on Facebook with any questions!! 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Excuses Burn 0 Calories

Today was day 5 of Chalean extreme. I am starting to see small changes in my mood, body and all over feeling of becoming.... well... healthier! I am determined to stick with this new change for the long haul no matter what!!! I have been doing a lot of personal development reading lately (currently I am reading "Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins) and this is what I have come up with so far:
 Excuses are simply just a way to get out of doing things. When you really want something you need to make a decision and stick with it no matter if you have a terrible day or a wonderful day! Excuses burn between 0 and 0 calories.

 Consistency is key! I was probably one of the most inconsistent people you would have ever met back in the day... But not anymore! To achieve results with anything in life..... We have to be consistent. Otherwise we just keep starting over and who wants that?!? Not me! And I'm sure not you!

 "Why" you want to so something can drive you full force ahead. For me, I want to get healthy and teach my son how to eat right so he will have a healthy foundation to build on. That drives me to keep going even when I just don't feel like it. Why do you want to become healthier??! So my question is this... Do you want to learn how to become healthier? Learn how to change your lifestyle into a long lasting change? Have a support system that is there for you no matter what?? Support is key! There is such a higher chance of success when we do things together as a group. My team runs "challenge groups" every month online where we chose a workout program and motivate each other to stick with it! We share recipes, fitness tips, real struggles and we hold one another accountable! I would love to have you join us for our next group starting Sept 8th! I would love to discuss different workout options and meal plans with you and help you to succeed with your goals! The best part is that we do this all in the comfort of our own homes on OUR time! No getting ready to go to the gym, no needing to find a sitter! We will do this all when it is convent in our own busy schedules! This upcoming challenge will include a commitment to the following - I will help you choose a workout program that suits your current fitness level -We will work together on a personalized meal plan for you to follow -We will all replace one meal a day with Shakeology (to get all the key ingredients in our diets for maximum results) -We will all support each other through the good/tough days If this sounds like something you would like to be apart of or learn more about ..... I would love to talk more about it with you!! Remember this "It's your decisions, not your conditions that determine your destiny. -Tony Robbins" We are all destined for greatness.... Take the first step today and contact me to get started at

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to get toddlers to eat "greens"

 When he was younger, Dom would eat lots of greens. But now it seems that all he will eat is broccoli. So this afternoon as I as making my "green smoothie" I thought "I bet he would like this!". So I gave him a taste and he immediately begged for more. That's awesome! Now he will be getting so much more nutrition!!

This is what I put in it:
1 c kale
1 c spinach
 1/2 green apple
1/3 c pineapple
 Approx 6oz of cold water
 I blended in all in my magic bullet until it had the consistency of orange juice(with pulp). It worked perfectly and he even used the straw on his silly to drink it! This to me is super exciting!!! Have any other recipes that are good for kids?? Feel free to share!!!! Any questions or comments.. Find me onFacebook!!