Thursday, August 27, 2015


This past Monday I started the new program Cize. It's a program where you learn choreographed dance to popular songs. Now, I'm no dancer (I actually have zero moves!) but believe me when I tell you... It is so much fun!!! Plus, you get to do it in your own home where no one else can see you! It goes slow enough where you can really get the moves down.  So far I'm loving it!! 

So for the next 4 weeks, I'll be following the layed out workout schedule, drinking my Shakeology & eating clean (by using the 21 day fix portion control meal plan).  

I took my "goodbye" pictures & weight and am ready to go! 

If you'd like to join me in this journey, I'd absolutely love to have you & talk more about it! Email me at or message me on Facebook at ! 

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