Friday, September 12, 2014

Goal setting was never my forte!

Have you ever set a goal... Lets say to lose 10 lbs.... Then once you achieve that goal... Then what happens??! The old me used to just fall back into the same old routine. Gain the weight back, get depressed about gaining the weight back, then have to start all over again. It became a cycle of setting the same goal over and over again and never moving forward! Basically I was getting no where fast. 

 So what's the solution?? Set BIG goals! Making a goal that is too simple/small can hold you back. Make your goals HUGE and even if you fail... You'll be on the right track! Break a larger goal down into smaller goals! It's easy to say "I will lose 12 lbs". But if you break it up and instead say "I will lose 2 lbs every week for the next 6 weeks", it becomes much more manageable! Then when you hit your goal of losing 2 lbs the first week... you will repeat that the following weeks and before you know it you will have achieved your goal!

 I almost forgot! Don't forget to celebrate! What? Over 2lbs a week?? Heck YES!!!!! Every small accomplishment deserves to be recognized! Be proud of what your doing and how far you have come! 


My next challenge group is starting soon! We will set big goals and crush them together! We will commit to doing a workout program for 30 days and replace one meal a day with Shakeology. I will help you customize a meal plan that fits your needs. Accountability is key! We will do this together! Email me at or find me on Facebook with any questions!! 

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