Thursday, October 30, 2014

Turkey Muffins

This is a simple, delicious and fast meal!y husband loved them and requested we make them more often! It's easy to make ahead of time and throw in the freezer for quick lunches throughout the week as well. Hope you enjoy!!

2lb frozen turkey meat
1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 cup cooking oats
1tsp garlic
Sprinkle of salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 375. Mix all ingredients together, grease muffin pan with Pam, form meat into 12 (racquet ball) sized balls. Bake for 40 mins & enjoy! I served it with diced red potatoes and broccoli!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Eating well really does make a difference

So, today is day #2 of getting back into working out. It feels great to be back on track & I'm already starting to see and feel the effects/benefits of it. Since finding out that we were pregnant my energy has been low and I have had terrible nausea. Luckily, it seems to be getting better each day! I've eaten clean for the last few days and started working out yesterday. Honestly, it feels so awesome! I woke up this morning with so much energy and I couldn't wait to start the day! I started to forget that feeling. The feeling of having energy, pride for sticking to my meal plan, a clear mind, less bloating, and overall happiness. Its easy to let that feeling slip away slowly....but I can say this....there's no greater feeling!

When I was younger I would workout for hours a day and eat terrible. I would only maintain my weight and I sure never built any muscle. Anyway, since then I have realized that eating right is 80% of real weight loss. Creating a lifestyle you canfollow forever is what really matters!