Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Brazil Butt Lift

So I decided that I needed something new & exciting to do this holiday season. I want to try and focus on something healthy and good for me rather than all the baked goods and holiday treats. I don't want to slack off and gain a bunch of weight over the holidays, just to have to lose it again in the new year. All that work put in and in just a few weeks it can all be destroyed. Seriously, how many of us go to multiple Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners??? It can be easy to get off track, but we gotta stay strong this season!!!

It always exciting to start a new Beachbody program....so I went searching for one and found this!!!

 My midsection has always been a "problem area" for me. Especially after having my first baby last year.....I swear my hips have widened so much!!! This program is designed to slim your thighs, reduce your hip size & saddlebag area all without bulking up your thighs too much! One of the things that I am looking forward to is that this program has music in it! I love music while working out....it makes the time go faster! Plus, its fun!!

So what comes with the program????
-6 workouts on 3 dvds
-Booty makeover guide
-Booty makeover calender
-Bootylicious Fat-burning food guide
-Triangular training workout cards
-Measurement tracker and tape measure

-6 day supermodel slim-down plan
-Booty strength band
-Bum Bum Rapido workout
-Leandro's secret weapon 20-min workout
-FREE online support

I'm super excited to start this program and cant wait for it to arrive in the mail!!! If you have any questions or want to do it with me you can email me directly anytime at savko.christine@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you!!!

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