Thursday, November 21, 2013

Do you really know how much sugar is in the fruit you eat??

I know I'm guilty of saying "Hey, its fruit- I can eat as much as I want". But remember, fruit is still sugar..and even though its natural sugar, it all adds up at the end of the day.
I used to think that I could eat all the fruit I wanted. When I would go grocery shopping I would just grab any fruits that looked appealing. It wasn't until I started to write down what I was eating on a daily basis that I realized I was eating way too much!! I'm talking 5-6 servings a day. So I took a closer look and realized I was only getting about 1 serving of veggies a day. So I adjusted. I wrote out a meal plan, counted how many fruits I really needed in the house for me and the family and replaced veggies where I used to eat fruit.

 Its recommended to eat 2-3 serving of fruit a day. Eating fruit earlier in the day also allows for you body to have more time to process it. I also learned that pairing fruit with protein is a great snack. The fruit has a whole bunch or water and fiber in it...that is what helps you feel full. The protein will slow down the digestion process and also help you to feel fuller longer. My all time FAVORITE snack is a medium apple with 1/4 cup of whole almonds. Believe it or not, I have never liked almond before. Turns out, I had only had coated almonds and never tried them just plain! It tastes so good and keeps me full until my next meal!!! I hope you gained some knowledge that you didn't know before! Comments or questions feel free to shoot me a quick email!!

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