Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Why drinking water will help you lose weight

Water, Water, & more Water....

Drinking water throughout the day can help you feel fuller!
Instead of drinking a calorie loaded coffee drink, or a milkshake, water will fill up your stomach and add 0 calories!!! Next time, grab a glass of water to pair with your meal instead of a pop or coffee. Who really needs all those extra empty calories anyway? Its easy sometimes to just grab-and-go, but think of how many calories you are drinking. Personally, I would much rather save those calories for a healthy snack later in the day.

Add some ice!
Studies have found that drinking cold water actually causes an increase in energy expenditure. This is because the body needs to warm itself since you just drank all that cold water.... This happens within 10 minutes after drinking.

Drink the correct amount!
We need to keep our bodies from becoming dehydrated. By the time you become thirsty, you are already on your way to becoming dehydrated. Plus when losing weight, our bodies require even more water. So, how much water should you be drinking???

A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight and divide by 2. Then take that number and divide by 8 to get how many glasses to drink per day. This is how much water you should be aiming to drink daily.

These are just a few tips for when it comes to drinking water and weight loss! Water is so important to include in your daily life. I love buying new water bottles (usually from the dollar store) so I am sure to have them whenever I need them. No excuse! Water is the best choice! Plus its FREE!!!!!

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