Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ever Thought of Becoming A Beachbody Coach?

Ever thought "What is a Beachbody Coach all about?" I certainly have. I joined as a Beachbody coach back in Feb 2013 after joining a free challenge group and ending up losing 10 pounds that month!! At first, I'll be honest, I joined just for the 25% discount on Shakeology. I was involved in several more challenge groups where I basically just watched everyone else's success. I couldn't figure out why the same wasn't happening for me. So after 4 months ( I cant believe it took me that ling!) I sat down one night and took a look at what I was doing. I was working out whenever I felt like it and eating healthy only "most days" and most important I was not drinking Shakeology daily. Duh! No wonder I was not seeing results!
A day or so later I received a message from my coach. She asked how everything was going and I was honest and told her I was struggling and was way off track. She responded with something so simple... But it was exactly what I needed! She simply said "I really hope you get on track..I really think this will be great for you". That was my "Ah ha!" moment. I knew she believed in me which meant so much! Since then, I have been running small challenge groups (been actively involved in them), eating clean, working out, drinking Shakeology and doing it CONSISTENTLY!!! I'm down 22 pounds and have formed meaningful lasting relationships with others:-) I have more energy than I ever have. That's a big deal for be because I work night shift and have a 1 year old so I need to keep up with him!
My whole point for telling my story is to let you know that everyone struggles & everyone needs support. That's what Beachbody coaching is all about! Working with others and supporting one another to work towards your goals! If this sounds anything like you I would love to hear from you! We will work as a team to reach your goals! You won't be disappointed!!

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