Thursday, January 9, 2014

Week 1 of Brazil Butt Lift

 I made it through the first week, YAY!! I finished the first 7 days this past Monday. After the first couple days I was very sore but I did not give up. I have been reading a lot of personal development books and listening to audio recording and I heard something last week that struck a cord with me. Someone simply said,

 "I don't start counting reps until it begins to burn, that's when it truly makes a difference"

Now, I'm sure I may have heard something like this before but for some reason this time was different. It finally all made sense. If you want to make a real change in yourself then you need to learn to not give up at the most critical point. That would just be the easy way out. So I didn't give up when I felt I had hit my breaking point! I often think of that saying when I feel like giving up and it gets me through.

I am thrilled with my week one results! The yellow resistance band the workout comes with is no joke! You use it wrapped around your feet and do different lunges & moves and then you use it wrapped around your thighs for the leg work on the floor. I could feel the burn after only a few reps, but its a great feeling that I am learning to love!

I also enjoyed the addition of using weights. This is the FIRST time I have every used weights! I can literally feel my muscles becoming stronger. Simple things like walking up the stairs or running after my son are becoming easier and its so exciting! Its incredible to do simple daily tasks and stop to myself and think "That's a little easier than I remember it being last time".

I have stuck with my clean eating meal plan and replaced shakeology with lunch everyday. My system is totally cleaned out, I can see my skin slowly clearing up, and I feel rested more than I ever have before. Its one of the most wonderful feelings to NOT be tired and instead run around with my son and still have energy when we are done playing. I feel on top of the world when I spend quality time with him!!! (Yes! that is shakeology he is drinking! He loves it!)

I lost a total of 8.6 pounds in the first seven days and CANNOT wait to see what else is to come!!
I'd love to have you join me in this journey! email me for more information or with any questions! I would love to hear from you!!!!
I cant wait to share my 14 day result pictures with you next Monday!!!

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